As a Volunteer Translator/Interpreter, you hold an invaluable role in the execution of our services, as many of our mediations simply wouldn't be possible without a Translator/Interpreter present. The Translator/Interpreter accurately facilitates communications between two parties (in a restorative justice mediation) who speak two different languages. Duties include but are not limited to: detailed interpretation of verbal communication between parties; verbal translation of written word and documents; and accurately and fairly portraying emotion and feeling from one party to another.
Have immediate impact on youth and families in crisis.
✓ Resolve Disputes for your Community
✓ Learn Great Skills
✓ High Quality Training
Profile and Expectations:
Fluent in English and another language (strong need for Spanish)
Ability to remain neutral, without opinions or judgments
Sensitive to emotionally difficult situations and interpersonal dynamics
Ability to multitask (listen, remember, interpret intended message)
Commit to at least two mediations per month
Huge Benefits:
One of the most substantive and rewarding volunteer opportunities available. You get to see the immediate impact on families and youth in crisis.
Invaluable skills that will make you more effective in both the workplace and interpersonal relationships.
Victim Offender Restitution Program (VORS)
The Victim Offender Mediation Program assists people who have been impacted by crime and the youth who caused the harm via a mediation process, with the opportunity for dialogue and reaching resolution through an agreement.
Mediations facilitated by trained community volunteers are held between the youth and the person who was harmed by their actions, which include private citizens, homeowners, teachers, local city governments, businesses and other youth.
Offenses include vandalism, theft, assault, shoplifting and other non-weapon related offenses. Most importantly, the program works to provide financial and psychological restitution for victims and relief for the overloaded Juvenile Justice system. Since 1992, 98% of the more than 5,000 Victim Offender mediations have reached agreements resulting in over $700,000 in restitution to victims, over 20,000 hours of community service performed and 3,920 letters of apology written by the youth offenders to their victim.
This process reduces re-arrest rates for participating youth to 8-11% within 1 year of completing the program and drastically increases service and reparation for victims.
Step 1:
Download and complete the CYS Volunteer Application.
Step 2:
Submit the completed CYS application, along with your resume or bio, to [email protected]
Step 3:
Once we receive your documents, we will call you in for an interview. If approved, you will complete additional CYS volunteer paperwork and required security clearances.
“Strengthening Families and Communities since 1975”
CONTACT US: (310) 970-7702, or [email protected]