Conflict comes in many shapes and sizes. It is also inevitable. While the "I Statement" is a useful resource, it isn't the only one! Here are a few more methods to add to your toolbox or share with someone you know.
1. Self Reflection
We encourage you to write/draw/think about the following questions:
What happened? Who was involved? What is needed?
What am I feeling? Why?
What might the other person(s) be feeling? Why?
How have I contributed to the conflict? What could I have done differently? What am I willing to commit to doing moving forward?
2. How to Resolve Conflict Together
Communication is the lifeblood of every relationship. When open, clear, and sensitive communication takes place, the relationship is nurtured. Below is a technique that can be used to help solve conflicts at home, school, work, or anywhere disagreements arise.
We have created guidelines for handling conflict at home, which you can find here.
3. Gift of Apology
Apology letters are one of the most effective tools we have to reduce or resolve conflict. They cannot only be healing for the person receiving it, but can also be very healing for the person writing it. There are, however, many options to consider, both strategically and tactically, in crafting an effective apology outreach.
If you'd like to learn essential tips and tricks for apology letters that will ensure good results, register now for our next webinar, "The Gift of the Apology Letter".
